For Teens

JOIN THE CONVERSATION about a relationship with the One who loves you more than you’ll ever know. 
JOIN THE CAUSE – the Cause of Christ: Love God, love people

We are a group of teenagers with common goals: 
1) To love God and love others as Jesus did/does
2) To grow in Christ with each other
3) To transform the world with the Good News of Jesus! 

What does all this look like? Well, to be honest, we are figuring it all out together, and we will likely never know all the answers. Nor will we always get it all right all the time. We would, however, LOVE to have YOU join the conversation. 

Youth group has been deemed a “no judgment zone.” So bring your questions, your doubts, your fears, and your baggage. Let’s live, love, laugh, and cry together. Let’s learn more about this Jesus guy and do everything we can to be more like Him.